Individual and community-level income and the risk of diabetes rehospitalization among women and men: a Canadian population-based cohort study
Canada-wide | 1 December 2020 |
Even in countries like Canada, where there is universal health coverage, those with lower incomes tend to have poorer health outcomes. Using census data, this study looked at hospital readmissions for men and women between the ages of 30 and 69 with type 1 or type 2 diabetes across Canada over a 12-month period. The study found that for men being in the lowest income bracket was associated with higher odds of rehospitalization. For women, having less than university education was associated with higher odds of rehospitalization. These findings are a reminder of the need to consider income and gender when developing programs to decrease diabetes-related hospitalizations.
Gupta, Neeru, Dan L. Crouse, and Adele Balram.